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Edmonton Scottish Society

The Edmonton Scottish Society is a community organization for all who are interested in celebrating Scottish heritage through a variety of cultural, athletic, and social activities. Throughout the year the society hosts numerous events that feature the unique culture, songs, dance and food of Scotland and its people. Come on out. It's a great chance to make new friends, reacquaint with old friends, or simply enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of Scottish hospitality. We are always looking for new members, so stop by one of our activities or events. Everyone is welcome!

Events Occuring at the ESS

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New Scotsman

The New Scotsman Newsletter is a no cost subscription for news put forth by the Edmonton Scottish Society


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“Lang may yer lum reek!”
Translation: Long may your chimney smoke.
Meaning: May you live a long life of prosperity.

Famous Scottish Saying

Upcoming Events

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Membership in the Edmonton Scottish Society is not just for expats. Membership is for anyone with an interest in Scottish Culture. Membership includes access to our events that occur every year in addition to other gatherings and events that occur. 2021 membership includes embossed glassware. Click learn more to discover other benefits of membership beyond being a part of a group of great individuals.

Edmonton - Amiskwacîwâskahikan -  is located within Treaty 6 Territory and within the Métis homelands and Métis Nation of Alberta Region 4. We acknowledge this land as the traditional territories of many First Nations such as the Nehiyaw (Cree), Denesuliné (Dene), Nakota Sioux (Stoney), Anishinaabe (Saulteaux) and Niitsitapi (Blackfoot).

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